The University of The Gambia admits students from Africa, Europe, Asia and other parts of the world. In its quest to deliver excellence, the university welcomes students from diverse backgrounds and experiences with far ranging talents and interests. Therefore, admission requirements are based on internally recognized standards. Prospective candidates apply through the university portal ( and upon a successful application, the students are issued with admission letters, student identification cards and a comprehensive academic calendar detailing lecture periods, holidays, tuition fee payment modalities and relevant information.
The academic requirements for admission at the University of The Gambia are the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) and GCE Ordinary levels with a minimum of 5 credits, including English Language and Mathematics in no more than two sittings.


Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for admission to undergraduate degree programmes in the University of The Gambia from 16th November to the 10th of December, 2020.

Applicants are required to make payment of D300 while Mature Students pay D500 for the online application and a subsequent payment of D600 for each WASSCE result verification to any Trust Bank Limited Branch in The Gambia. Upon making payments at the bank, the applicant will receive a pin code via SMS on his/her valid phone number within 48 hours (otherwise call 3650018/3650031), which he/she will use to access an online application form on the UTG Portal ( . Applicants are advised to issue their personal phone numbers when making payment at the bank. The following documents must be scanned and uploaded in JPG or PDF format:

  1. WASSCE, GCE or its equivalent
  2. ID card, passport or birth certificate
  3. A passport-size photo
  4. Bank receipts.

Admission Criteria for Mature Students

  1. Must be thirty (30) years or above
  2. Minimum of five (5) years of work experience
  3. At least three (3) credits including either Mathematics or English language

Candidates are requested to fill in authentic and valid phone numbers and email addresses to enable them to receive SMS alerts about their admission status and also admission letters on their emails.

NOTE: Candidates applying to the School of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences. (Medicine, Nursing, Public and Environmental Health) are requested, in addition to their online applications, to submit hard copies of their application forms to the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid in Kanifing, Peace building, Faculty of Law.

Apply Now


Applications for the various Master’s programs will be open next year. Further information about these programs will be disseminated as appropriate. Applicants are required to make a payment of D500 for the online application and a subsequent payment of D550 for each WASSCE result verification to any Trust Bank Limited Branch in The Gambia. Upon making payments at the bank ,the applicant will receive a pin code via SMS on his/her valid phone number ,which he/she will use to access an online application form on the UTG Portal ( The following documents are to be scanned and uploaded in JPG or PDF format:
  1. BSc Certificate
  2. University Transcript
  3. Passport or Birth Certificate
  4. A Passport-size Photo
  5. Bank Receipt
The scanned documents must be resize to form a total size of not more that 5MB before uploading. Failure to upload these documents will result to an unprocessed application.Apply Now